Understanding Religious Divisions
Raising a child is often difficult because they do not have an understanding about common parts of their culture, and many grow into adults who make erroneous assumptions about their own religions. They might believe that every large church is a cathedral, or they might not understand why a religious structure has a particular designation. Helping them understand is often a burden for the religious institution, and they can then help their parents understand the reality of church divisions too.
For religious buildings, there are often designations that adults take for granted. In the case of cathedrals and churches, many adults within the Catholic faith have no idea why there is any difference. They will not be able to teach their children if they do not know, so it is incumbent upon the religious instructors at the church to teach the students of today why a division exists. Once they have a firm grasp of the division, they can spread the information to their own family.
Few Catholic churches have considered these types of administrative divisions to be important in the past, but modern life often requires people to question things they have always taken for granted. Adults need to see the church as an open structure, so teaching their children about even small administrative matters can help consolidate a family within their faith. They will feel they are part of the structure of the faith, and it gives them a feeling of security.
While the difference between a church and a cathedral is not as important as some religious matters, educating children in understanding this administrative matter can help solidify their belief that the church is educating them in all aspects of their religion. For their parents, it will help them lead their family to believe and understand that no division within the church will negate their faith or change how they worship.